Time to Wipe the Slate Clean and Start Over

And say thank you to my Medium family.

Emily Ann Mark


Photo by Casey Horner on Unsplash

Sometimes you have to wipe the slate clean. Erase. Delete. Start over.

It can be a subtle reset. Or a huge overhaul. Whatever you feel called, however, it feels right.

I ventured again on another long-distance drive, taking care of family matters. Waking up to my alarm at 4:15 a.m. on a Saturday morning made me jump out of my skin. And my sleep.

I could have slept longer. I was not looking forward to a six-plus hour drive.

But somewhere along the stretch of the open road, my soul finds me in the middle of my noisy thoughts. It’s therapy for me.


I love being alone, listening to music, or to nothingness.

Stopping at a gas station I’ve never been to before, and watching other travelers do the same, gives me a sense of peace. I’m not the only one needing to get somewhere.

Where are they going? What is their story?

I take in a deep breath of the chilly air. Zip up my jacket to make sure I’m warm. Fill ‘er up, quick restroom break, and it’s back on the road.

I once contemplated being a truck driver.

Lately, my life has felt out of sorts. And I wrote a piece last night shedding light on taking a break from writing my truth. I re-read my title this morning and thought to myself — what does that even mean?

I’m not sure, it was a moment of feeling vulnerable to talk about why I don’t want to be vulnerable. Imagine that.

Do we owe anyone an explanation?

No, but it was more for me.

I feel better writing but sometimes I think I don’t get my message across correctly. Or I’m reopening wounds that may need more suturing in privacy.

Or I overshare. I say too much. Sometimes a little can go a long way.

And then I thought about my message in that piece. Did it come off wrong as well? I don’t want the connections I’ve made here to think it has anything to do with them.



Emily Ann Mark

My stories. My life. Some sad. Some happy. A mixture of in between. Divorce, love, failures, & success. Come join me.